How Do I Choose the Right House Manufacturers?

How Do I Choose the Right House Manufacturers?

Keep in mind that your potential customer finally received a plot that they will build their dream house on. What at first seems simple starts to get harder when the mail box is filled with house catalogues from different suppliers. How are you supposed to choose the right house contractors when there is so much to think about and so many manufacturers? As a house supplier you can participate and give answers rather than create more questions. This is how you do it.

Those who build houses often gather a lot of information online before they start the process. What rules apply? How are we allowed to build? How is the house to be placed on the building plot? Earthworks? Garden? Windows? Sheeting? Plaster or wood cladding? Storehouse? Interior? Kitchen? Bathroom? Plumbing and electricity? Then on top of all this you have the legal issues and you also need to choose a trustworthy contractor that is going to join you on your trip to realizing your dream house. What if it all goes wrong?

One of the things that in the end is most important to the house buyer is other customer experiences with buying their house. What more people has built a similar house as I’m going to build at the house contractor I’m looking at? What’s their experience? What was they put through? What tips can they possibly have to me that hasn’t been through this trip yet? Is there any pictures of the construction that I can be inspired from?

Even though building a house can be the biggest investment an individual can go through the house manufacturer doesn’t bother to expose the customer experience or even gather it at all in some cases. On some house contractors websites you can follow a chosen family’s blog where they tell their story. This is positive and inspiring but it doesn’t get me convinced that it’s this supplier that’s good for me. On the one hand the family is chosen by the house builder to be on their website. I’m not sure it’s that way but I believe so. If I believe so then probably others suspect the same thing. On the other hand the house that they’re building is not the same as I have chosen and therefore it’s harder to identify with them.

How can you as a house manufacturer in a simple, stylish way appeal to your entire target audience and answer some of the questions from your prospective house builders?

The answer is to gather visual customer testimonials! You can get in a fully automatic process with visual customer testimonials through our tool. Try it out free of charge by clicking the button below or contacting us directly through mail.

Don’t make the mistake to only publish some few happy customers on your website. Through a variety of satisfied customers that is categorizable you help the house buyer. If I’m interested in a plaster house I can find tens of different individuals that has built plaster houses with you and I get to know what they thought about it. Both positive and less positive experiences. The secret to success is to dare to be transparent. It’s not dangerous to show negative customer experiences because this is already easy to find in different forms. It’s just as good to have the testimonial on your own website where you also can keep a professional dialogue with the customer that has shown dissatisfaction. It creates a greater credibility for you as a supplier and it makes me feel secure with any shortcomings and that errors are corrected and taken seriously.

If you don’t have visual customer testimonials on your website today then get it now! Most of your customers will gladly give you feedback to both help you and your future customers. Customer testimonials, positive reviews and ratings from your customer is one of the best ways to build trustworthiness and show your prospective customers that you are reliable, trustworthy and an expert in your field.

You can only gain by finding out what your customers like about your company. Follow the other big house manufacturers and create an account now! Or send us an email and we will contact you. You get to try it free of charge and if you want guidance you can also get in contact with our great support.

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